Ransomware is a type of malicious software (malware) that encrypts a victim’s files or blocks access to their computer system until a ransom is paid. Ransomware typically works by encrypting files on a victim’s computer or locking them out of their system, making it impossible for them to access their data, applications, or other files.

The attacker then demands payment, usually in the form of cryptocurrency, in exchange for a decryption key that will unlock the victim’s files or system. Ransomware attacks can be devastating for individuals, businesses, and even government organizations, as they can result in the loss of important data, disruption of operations, and financial losses.

Ransomware attacks can be spread through various means, including email phishing scams, malicious attachments, and exploit kits. To prevent ransomware attacks, it is essential to maintain up to date software, use strong passwords, use anti-malware software, and regularly back up important data. Under circumstances of an attack, most experts encourage not paying this ransom. By doing this you can even further endanger your important files and data, even allowing another discreet attack.